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File:79c9a568bf496005bb0011691d….jpg (744.58 KB,1400x1220)




he has to get home from work first, you know they ordered all government workers to go back to the office


i thought t was a truNEET how come he has a job and an indog girlfriend thats going head over heels over him


File:Senko Ed-1.mp4 (18.5 MB,1280x720)

Senko thread? Yeah, she's cute and I wish there was another season


Thread theme


You fell for it T was always a norm he was just celposting ironically.


File:this hisser just hisssssed….jpg (523.54 KB,1920x1080)

/secret/ thread


woah it worked


File:senkofade.gif (1.78 MB,885x948)

This takes me back. I remember watching the new episodes on 9anime before going to class in the morning. The little pov segments at the end were cute and healing, it just reinforces the theory that even lower on Maslow's heirarchy of needs is the innate primeval requirement for a kitsune motherwife.


File:74629762_p0.jpg (1.59 MB,1897x2499)

Uh I thought Senko was meant to relieve you after a hard day of work not before it


File:senko bruh in color.png (395.29 KB,994x924)

Then the episodes should have come out at 10 pm, not 10 am, dummy.


why did he start playing that normie game




what normie game


all games are normie games


all shabs are romances


die gamer norms


live gamer freaks


i hope the indog murders him in his sleep


File:C-1739397744493.webp (90.82 KB,803x414)

There'd better be a killer reason for campin' in my gamer shadow. Does "get pwnd n00b" ring a bell for ya... normie.


when will he start playing a good game for once


when you buy him avowed


*bends over and gives him a snoof*


why would i buy a crypto millionaire a game he can afford it himself


What's wrong with super mario world?


hes probably having sex with his indog


he said he was going to quit his job but he didnt who couldve seen that coming


File:sexy-senko.webm (659.88 KB,1920x1080)

senko-san is great but i wish she was real
at least she is real in my dreams


I don't remember this part...


oops i pressed the wrong button on someone's post


File:Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-….mp4 (7.03 MB,1280x720)

super special jp version only available to trutaku


GNFOS general?


one day we will get back to our promised (land) board...


expelled from 109 boards, the gnfos are the most persecuted race of poster


someone tell T to add this


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File:R-1739712460831.mp4 (905.46 KB,784x720)


>Is Presidents Day a national U.S. holiday?
>Since it's a federal holiday, nonessential government offices at all levels will be closed. That includes DMVs, city halls, courthouses and many libraries. The US Postal Service will not be delivering mail on Presidents Day.


Still seething over this because I missed a package delivery and now have to wait until tomorrow to pick it up.


dumb seetard


hate vtubers but will make an exception alongside my buddy big t


got banned on twitch for a week for some sort of speech violation but do NOT know what it was since I wasn't saying anything when I got banned or the day before


you clip something then report it probably


I will report on two different platforms on every single stream. With time stamps.
Next time don't disrespect my wife flare, buddy.

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