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File:d9a2c36b035131c6379c35e9ba….jpg (102.55 KB,950x810)


me cleaning my dollwife


kinda kimo...


File:55249074_p0.jpg (341.08 KB,1000x860)

Where are her doll joints?


File:96c8d446ae3b29e8a99668044d….jpg (1.08 MB,1169x1567)

She's a t-doll, don't be racist.


I really hope you're doing the right thing and not playing it and just making up your own headcanon because you don't want to give gacha people any money.


Not him but I quit first week.


I just can't get into gacha. I don't know what part of it is fun. I already don't enjoy gaming all that much besides the rare gem.


How do you cope when so much of animanga culture is tied to gaming


File:[Commie] Call of the Night….jpg (303.55 KB,1920x1080)

Not him, but I feel like there's less of a connection than there used to be. If someone makes a MAD today it seems like they're still more likely to use VGM from 20 years ago than someone recent, and the media itself doesn't seem too different.


I am him.


I'm also him.


File:781211ffacd359a59d8018d56a….jpg (682.48 KB,1583x2048)

me feeding my dollwife


File:Alice Dolls.png (5.48 MB,2480x3844)

my dollwives


your wife's concubines, her wife absent

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