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File:GjZa-35bsAAR-7W.jpg (2.57 MB,2500x2500)


Will you accept the future of genetics being creating animal shab wives?


File:5a6a509036f87eea78e55b3fac….jpg (330.28 KB,2897x4096)

Long hair and forehead is a very powerful combo.


File:1697290263467.jpg (473.31 KB,1431x2048)

animal shab wives... how about monster girl shab wives?


My shaft waifu animal


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One foxwife kudasai.
I suppose, but apart from the fantastical, how different is that from normal animal girls?


Well for one, onahole tailpussy with spikes that deal lust damage.


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File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 04 ….jpg (181.02 KB,1920x1080)

This seems so sterile, it even looks like a laboratory. Creepy.


Fuguoshi any good?


File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 05 ….jpg (314.87 KB,1920x1080)

I talked about it a little in the seasonal thread >>>/qa/137664. It's hard to describe, but I do like it. Generic zero-to-hero story but the girls and SoL-ish stuff is nice

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