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File:Utawarerumono.S02E04.False….jpg (241.88 KB,1920x1080)


I find that the most erotic part of a woman is the tail


File:39b98a7d5f81cb671bfd78a66e….jpg (233.76 KB,1291x1998)

A good tail(s) can accentuate and frame her other qualities.


File:caa86b38f1a79afbc6c447bd59….jpg (1.54 MB,1440x2240)

I sometimes forget they even have tails because they're never shown in the character sprites.


File:Utawarerumono.-.OVA.01.-.[….jpg (141.66 KB,1920x1080)

This is true. They're also good at displaying emotion and temperament. Truly humans are lacking in many ways.

Not everyone has a tail in Utawarerumono. Touka's bird-ish race doesn't have them!


File:8fd57f912c2da9a160485b1a65….jpg (229.34 KB,529x732)

Huh I must have misremembered. I thought they had a short little bird tail.


...don't think the VNs made a ruling on this one way or another... maybe you see Touka's model in battle in Uta 2 or 3? don't think you do... touka and karuraluuw have kind of chosen to step back from the story in those games because they're old and need to let kuon and anju take the spotlight

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