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File:[SubsPlease] Re Zero kara ….jpg (256.82 KB,1920x1080)


zOMG BOO- I mean... Re Zero is back!


holy... whose boobers are those??


People are still watching that slog? I feel like the author stopped knowing what he was even going for after the first season


It's consistent so i like it


59 episodes what the fuck how is it still going on


There's 39 volumes (and counting). The anime hasn't even adapted half of it yet.


how the fuck
did the author just introduce like 50 more witches or something how hard can it be for subaru to meet satella
or did that already happen and it's just moved on to whatever


you act like it didn't take 50 episodes to kill Sloth...


moreso my problem isn't the witches and action plotline, but that Subaru's character growth is complete and the story has to explore less interesting characters like Garfield. But I still like the action and suspense so it's not like I'd stop watching

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