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File:[EMBER] Medalist - 05.mkv_….jpg (145.02 KB,1920x1080)


Savescumming is a disease.


File:[naisho] PriPara - 06 [143….jpg (121.82 KB,848x720)

This is what happens when you give kids save states instead of making them start over from scratch each time.


Save scumming is not evil, and turning the program off and on again isn't that bad.


File:[SubsPlease] Jibaku Shoune….jpg (291.11 KB,1920x1080)

avoid games that make you contemplate savescumming


(like KOTOR)


File:chocomint verm-chan.png (1.79 MB,2309x2563)

Ich savescum ganze ziet. In Vic2. In Eu4. In Skyrim. In Kotor.
Liebe Ich Savescumming.


File:06 - Bakemonogatari (Episo….jpg (183.45 KB,1697x787)

I feel an urge to disagree with this for being german, but it's got Chocomint aisu too so I don't know...


chocominto eis


If the game come with save states by default is it still savescumming, because I've seen it used in that instance and it seems stupid outside of emulators. Like you can't "savescum" in Morrowind.


I admit I savescum EU4, but only because it's a kusoge that rolls a dice every few months to see whether you lose critical resources for no reason and it frustrates me when my grand strategy gets set back so I can divert coring paper to stabing up or when I miss out on a good opportunity to actually do something because the game arbitrarily decided I need to go back into speed five recovery mode until whatever is happening is over. I have no idea why you would ever need to savescum in KotOR.

Dying to a boss and retrying isn't savescumming, but redoing interactions to get better rolls or pick a different path in dialogue is. Basically, anything that is designed to have lasting consequences on the playthrough can be savescummed. RPGs with quicksaves are prominent examples of this and the newer Fire Emblem games stopped even pretending they were designed with ironman runs in mind and added turn rewinding, which is still technically savescumming even if the games basically force you to use it at some points.

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