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File:2025-02-08 10-27-40 1-1.mp4 (37.19 MB,720x480)


Damn, who knew all you'd need to beat the final boss would be just getting the fucking upgrades and getting some sleep. Can't believe I struggled with this for an hour+ last night.

kissu: 1 | ota: 0


File:C-1739033736390.png (39.74 KB,799x183)

NOT rookie hunter btw


owari da.......


think that's the one with the HADOUKEN move that kills everything in one shot


File:1488839270115.jpg (172.07 KB,851x774)

Yeah, I remember using it in the past. But I forgot how to get it.


shitvor btfo




what's the next ota game so i can beat it first

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