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Bringing back the OVA stream! This time we'll be watching a fun comedy OVA that makes me smile more than any isekai ever could, Dragon Half! I was going to make a thread yesterday about it, but forgot, but that's also no matter because I'm scheduling the stream at 8pm EST this Sunday!

Be there or miss it and forever be the fag that missed Dragon Half


Technically we did watch this back in 2017, but I think there were only a few people there and I imagine there's been a few new people since then.
I can't really remember anything from it


Well you can remember in 4 hours! Since the stream is TODAY!


The today streamer, he streams today


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stream starting after my date ends


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Still waiting for her to say something......................


the only real issue with yukkuri is that the rtmp is FUCKING annoying when it comes to the time lag
if vermin could fix that i'd happily use it all the time


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Kita came and stole my Bocchi.... stream starting when I get home now which is in 40


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That shab-stealing shab!


link the stream url dummy


10 minutes left guys https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri 



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I've had a bit of the alcohols and beer



it was really funny i liked it


pretty decent stuff, good erocute chibis


classic 90s BS

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