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File:Castlevania - Symphony of ….png (2.26 MB,3840x2116)


So I know what a man is, but what's a Belmont?


The family that kills the Draculas in the Castle of Vanias


File:Castlevania - Symphony of ….png (1.38 MB,3840x2116)

oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

Knew about it already, but was surprised by how easy it was to actually unlock the inverse castle. From all the times I've heard of it, thought it was some archaic method that old games had, but just trying to fully explore the map worked well enough in finding everything.


gotta say there's a whole lot more enemies i can't easily avoid here though... but picked up a nice fist weapon that's dealing with them pretty well


I felt smart when I unlocked it...
I remember showing my brother the gorilla skeleton thing


File:6ff7a372e073ff2e53fda3fb9e….jpg (1.48 MB,3500x3000)

It's not as though it takes no thought, and I mean, I did have the foreknowledge that it existed so I knew there was something more than just the normal ending to get to. And figuring how to get past the spike hall took a bit of time until I explored some more. So you can still be impressed with yourself for figuring it out before knowing it was a thing.

For a game that came out so long ago, they really did go all out with the enemy types. More varied and numerous than most games that come out in the genre today. I really love it so far. The coolest one to me so far have been those flying headless knight ones so far.


File:R-1738794752036.png (1.97 MB,2309x2676)

What is a girl?


File:2025-02-05 22-21-13 1-1.mp4 (69.84 MB,720x480)

Well... that fight was pretty easy. Destroyed Dracula and Shaft first try, buffed cross is pretty good.


90s voice acting was so good, so theatrical

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