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File:C-1738645113558.png (2.12 MB,2113x2011)


So /jp/, you've successfully swooned a loli into pomf<3'ing down onto the bed you paid for. What's the next step of your master plan?




File:396d9d7f0d10f000fa4e3f9212….png (1.57 MB,1028x1491)

We're going to use all 3 hours of our reservation to play some fightan game vidya. I will destroy her pride.


File:[Anon] High Score Girl II ….jpg (883.06 KB,1920x1080)

The young have highly adaptive and malleable brains, you beat her enough and she'll dedicate all her free time to becoming the best at and after long she'll school your retard ass.


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And the old have fleeting interests. By the time she has mastered the art of button mashing I have already moved onto the RTS genre. She will never get her rematch.


anal rape, no lube


snoof the cute sockies


The first order of business is to make this poor maiden who felt helpless enough to come with me some eggs. Then I shall have her eat all of them.

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