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File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (352.31 KB,1920x1080)


Remember to say "rabbit rabbit" when you first wake up on Saturday for a month of good luck!
(goodbye animal Precures)


Fuck. I was mumbling to myself about snoofs and floofs before I remembered.


Dumb snoof and floof, how will you get your good luck now?


I never remember my rabbits, but today is the day I get my act together.
I just labeled my wakeup alarm "SAY THE WORDS" and set my wallpaper to Sailor Moon. Success guaranteed.


File:smug tewi.png (49.65 KB,256x256)

you'll forget to say it again


stupid hare!!


What if I stay up past midnight? Should I say it at 12:01 AM or wait until I fall asleep and then wake up? But what if I end up not going to sleep until Saturday afternoon and by the time I wake up it's Sunday? Is it too late then?


File:1533431953756.png (298.61 KB,398x685)

>What if I stay up past midnight?


File:1660259543391022.png (221.78 KB,678x623)

It's when you wake up on the 1st.
But, you better not skip waking on the 1st, or else.


File:104100846_p0.png (5.5 MB,1575x2331)

Rabbit Rabbit


good puzzle image
odd shaped feet


File:1645824893311.gif (747.51 KB,500x281)

I always forget..


File:R-1738423024255.jpeg (192.01 KB,1024x1536)



File:1588700246731.jpg (49.21 KB,401x480)

Rabbits tend to fuck a lot, yeah.


I said my rabbit rabbits


I kind of did it, I'd say I get half credit because I only slept 4 hours


want to fuck that rabbit


File:1654385416393.png (338.33 KB,1000x1000)

I rembered!


File:Krolik waiting for you.jpeg (420.12 KB,3000x4000)

FUCK rabbits


File:useless little bunny.png (128.24 KB,824x493)

sex with sex bnuy


forgot to mention that it came very easily to me this time, no reminders even on my phone wallpaper (I often set it to Reisen)




File:1687967104078738.jpg (74.17 KB,930x844)

I was reminding myself to say it, but i forgot.

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