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File:[SubsPlease] Ameku Takao ….webm (6.94 MB,1920x1080)


You may not realize it, but the fight was already over by the time he threw the first punch. Decided by his foolish decision to strike at her.


File:[SubsPlease] Ameku Takao n….jpg (233.02 KB,1920x1080)

But you can't really blame him too much. He was lacking critical information on just who he was attacking.

A wiser man would've run away right there.


File:R-1738211161835.webm (2.83 MB,640x360)

Aikido... impressive. I bow to her superior skills.


God I bet Steven Seagal is having the time of his life in Russia right now.


It was over the moment he decided to announce his identity as the guy who kept setting bombs with poorly-set timers to the people he was failing to bomb. They were just mocking him by challenging his NEET strength directly instead of calling the cops.


I liked how he would constantly rev up his engine to make sure they were looking at him and then make sure to scratch his chest when they did.


you know i was thinking about it and youkoso jitsuryoku has a lot of retardedly smart characters too but that one's fun for me while this one not as much

was trying to figure out why and i think it's because this one lacks any arisus


Thought it was edited in at first.

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