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File:patchouli ballin.webm (818.9 KB,634x476)


Patchouli is BALLIN'


File:R-1738098241642.png (80.49 KB,340x340)



That is a doctored image, Patchers can never ballin'


It's not doctored, but the defense is leaving out important context from their evidence >>85320


Hol' on so you be sayin' that Patchers can ball for a short period of time?
How is that considered Ballin'?


That ZUN horn rendition of Cornered is pretty good


File:0d20e06283e42adbdfd62f6bc0….jpg (334.37 KB,1111x1554)

There are no concrete rules on how long one must shoot b-ball to be considered ballin. Just the fact that Patchy held a basketball is evidence enough that she is ballin.


File:patchouli plays basketball.jpg (252.06 KB,584x887)

She's going for a slam dunk!


File:shion thinking.jpg (213.79 KB,646x646)

Is it not a conflict of interest for the town's journalist and editor also be their prosecutor?


File:Smug Aya on the fence.png (399.46 KB,930x1315)

Not necessarily.
In terms of reporting, the outcome is newsworthy whether Patchy is Ballin' or not. One could also make a point that being a prosecutor is detrimental to creating that momentous article, as without the burden of legal work other journalists can write their article faster.

Anyway you should buy a Bunbunmaru subscription.


File:3afeafef5224062d37a2dae64b….jpg (521.41 KB,1200x1600)

Start including a weekly Patchouli weight report and I will consider subscribing.


File:fatchouli.jpg (957.88 KB,1646x1000)

We already have that but it's only for premium subscribers, however, you get a weekly Reimu panty shot too so it's a good deal.


File:__patchouli_knowledge_touh….png (346.87 KB,742x1115)

Patchy pleads:


File:Patchouli gained weight.png (669.57 KB,1200x742)

The weight scale pleads:


File:heirloom-potatoes.jpg (33.71 KB,680x454)

patchouli balls

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