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File:2025-01-27 16-50-44_1.webm (4.84 MB,360x320)


What would /jp/ do in this situation? Do you let the cute little loli girl take on the big bad vampire castle, or keep trying to prove your reputation?


File:SoN_Alucard_Main_Portrait.jpg (2.41 MB,2056x2732)

I'm interested in this


File:2025-01-27 18-24-31_1.webm (13.44 MB,360x320)

The loli slayer? Yeah, me too. Richter's a fool for looking down on her.


File:1738019618062.webm (779.98 KB,360x320)

What would /jp/ do in this situation?


File:Akumajou Dracula X - Chi n….png (21.74 KB,512x448)

Well, that was fun. Probably the easiest Castlevania I've played yet, especially Dracula (literally the same as Castlevania 3's but easier because this game controls better and it doesn't have the third phase)

The cutscenes were a cool addition, but for me Maria really stole the spotlight with her cute little self calling Dracula a meanie.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (124.13 KB,1280x720)

I'd take her home in an instant!


give her a hefty dose of vitamin D


File:catgirl-anime-kemonomimi-e….png (2.95 MB,2200x2600)

Played and finished about every single one of the retro Castlevanias except 2 because I have it ingrained in my head that it's the bad one. But is it worth trying out anyways? With a guide if there's anything else like the one notorious "sit in a corner with this one item for a minute" puzzle.

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