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File:R-1737440056850.jpeg (245.39 KB,1476x2048)


When you guys see 3D girls do you get repulsed when you’re able to see their faces but can be somewhat fine if it’s just their body? Or is that just me


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

When I see 3D girls I wish the studio had a greater budget or passion and drew them instead


When I bite these shabs


I'm the same. Though I'm still only fine with bodies if they're clothed, nudity repulses me the same.


File:C-1737473648960.jpeg (185.85 KB,1920x1080)

I love 3D girls!


It's the opposite, they're fine if they're just decapitated heads but bodies are disgusting even with clothes on 99% of the time.


File:0a2cfa150c22124529a6b0f913….png (757.18 KB,1024x768)

Aaah~ What I wouldn't do for this 3D girl.

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