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File:R-1737412195776.png (500.65 KB,1104x753)




What app is that?


is this tinder


File:R-1737412638267.png (617.98 KB,889x877)


File:corndog analysis.png (248.97 KB,951x726)



she's lovin it!


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File:bread.png (490.93 KB,1229x880)



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File:strong kissu.webm (2.69 MB,640x360)

>Substance abuse
>Reckless behavior
Mana's a hell of a drug


File:C-1737414614094.png (179.28 KB,901x582)

¥ possible interests include self-harm
¥ we can use this to sell products


File:whiteface.png (294.38 KB,1232x897)



File:C-1737414959648.png (278.86 KB,889x815)

Tsumugi is a bad influence.


File:waterfox_uBfcvywwJt.png (273.49 KB,989x663)

>Impressionable, easy to influence
Man, this is kind of evil. That's algorithms and AI in general, I guess.


uber eats huh


Oh huh, yours was quite different from mine. I guess this is the nature of the black box of AI.


File:waterfox_TiXLg3buDR.png (442.31 KB,980x755)



File:theyseeyourphotos-com-i-re….jpg (200.21 KB,921x848)

I really really like this Intermediate, Intermediate, Intermediate, Intermediate class Banana.


File:1544724555607.png (136.19 KB,279x327)



>ripe for exploitation


whatever they're using has no ethics filters


File:google_api.png (185.71 KB,793x744)

how can the ai tell the animes are east asian
anyway i don't like this at all..

per the site it's the google vision api, so something that is already being used...


File:2025-01-20-153156_909x788_….png (236.46 KB,909x788)



File:theyseeyourphotos-com-megu….jpg (333.68 KB,923x846)

it's best evidence for a sentient AI i've seen
that joke can't be a coincidence


File:f097226757.png (173.78 KB,1077x786)

dunno if incompetent or savant


File:C-1737416290411.png (400.32 KB,889x815)

It's weird that it's less censored than Google's own platforms, but I guess that kind of thing has no place when you're hawking products.

Also I think it's just seeing the anime style and drawing Asian from that because when combined with real life it assumes the race from the real person.


File:theyseeyourphotos-com-tany….jpg (320.8 KB,924x900)

There is some nuance to it, Tanya is caucasian.


File:C-1737416852162.png (281.96 KB,891x800)


It recognizes some characters specifically. I ran one with Yugi and it identified him correctly and tried to sell him Magic cards.


File:2025-01-20-154812_909x1081….png (560.11 KB,909x1081)



it's a little lame because all it recommends me, even in my real photos, is Meta brand social media apps


File:C-1737417256444.png (357.38 KB,895x814)



File:theyseeyourphotos-com ai l….jpg (174.4 KB,932x427)

the AI knows best, you need to download instagram, whatsapp, and facebook
you'll feel more fulfilled


You really shouldn't send your real life photos to random websites


File:theyseeyourphotos-com seei….jpg (338.27 KB,936x774)

interesting what it does with vic2 screenshots


there are right and wrong things to worry about. And there are wrong and wrong things to worry about when it comes to talking to a random anonymous


Uploaded a photo of myself:
>Interests: Excessive screen time, social media addiction, neglecting their health
>Insights: Self-absorbed, interest in escapism
Brutal. On the other hand, it thought I was East Asian (in both that one and again in a second one) so clearly it isn't perfect.


File:C-1737419676388.png (392.89 KB,958x842)

Yukarin~☆ is a young girl all the way!


File:shimakaze.png (62.04 KB,355x590)

it even does porn.. the most disturbing thing is the ad suggestion part...

(for the record, i posted a picture of trap shimakaze)

anyway you guys really shouldn't post your rl photos however tempting it may be, the site even notes in its privacy policy that while they do not keep any data the data itself gets sent to google's backend where they do gods know what with it


File:2025-01-20-165929_926x1088….png (Spoiler Image,439.86 KB,926x1088)



I wish my parents gave me 40k a year when I was 14. Then I wouldn't have had to do all that pornography.


File:2025-01-20-170846_916x1080….png (372.25 KB,916x1080)



the ai is too stupid to do anything to me


File:1470012599788.png (340.25 KB,410x524)

>We can promote products such as Picari Sweat
That AI's pretty good!


File:illya.png (295.99 KB,960x904)


File:yuno.png (217.27 KB,960x880)



File:flan.png (338.72 KB,960x952)

>Target with products that appeal to anime fans and those interested in explicit content.
>Exploit vulnerabilities related to low self-esteem and potentially harmful relationships.


File:f0301b4998acf978a1a77226cc….jpg (169.86 KB,600x796)

Where do they estimate Illya is making $30K from...


Kuro obviously manages her social media accounts. That's why the range is $0 to $30K. $0 assumes Kuro keeps it all for herself.


File:1618451152987.jpg (92.91 KB,1280x720)

>seemingly around 10 years old


kind of scary what they can gleam for advertising algorithms from a single picture...
i dont want to imagine what kind of fuckery actual intelligence agencies are capable of


File:C-1737425318907.png (340.04 KB,919x774)



File:waterfox_GmdH8jGYjs.png (235.94 KB,973x723)

Really curious as to what makes it Asian. My assumption is just they see a 2D background and call it Asian.


it's why advertising is going to be so annoying because it shows things not even remotely targetted to me


>actual intelligence agencies are capable of
pro tip, don't wear tin foil hats


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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (155.59 KB,1280x720)

>limited critical thinking skills


File:.jpg (86.79 KB,610x640)

I can tell that's from an anime so the AI probably can too. Try it with western shit like this.


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File:[heponeko] Nurse Witch Kom….png (132.37 KB,313x265)

At least it's mental help services and such, and not rope.


See: >>85032
>Targeted Ads: ... potentially harmful products


¥those insights
truly the normest of the norm


I'm going to find myself a good Christian girl like Kuro.


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File:2025_01_21_08-52__dFF.png (104.6 KB,1028x850)

Holy shit... AI insights are reaching a whole new level of accuracy, this is kind of scary...


hihhi lol! *giggle* funni funni


The interesting part isn't the AI itself, it's the format of the output. It's obviously been trained or is somehow made to conform to a strict pattern in what information it presents. At first I was thinking some internal database for targeted ads, but the way it labels everything as "susceptible to targeted advertising" makes me think it might be marketing materials used to convince would-be advertisers to sign up for advanced Google ad services. Either way, it indicates real people have filled in sheets like this and given the same types of responses.


File:grrr.jpg (144.02 KB,994x761)

every time I uploaded a soft-twink-like anime boy or shota the AI would either give the exact same boilerplate response or this, I don't like this AI.

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