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File:nowomanlife.png (210.94 KB,898x246)




how is he supposed to live his proper isekai slow life without a harem?


File:[SubsPlease] Salaryman ga ….jpg (345.34 KB,1920x1080)

episode 1: OP pic
episode 8: my pic


File:090.png (69.78 KB,749x258)



File:1491743686749.jpg (107.05 KB,1007x693)

¥ slow life doesn't need women
¥ fast life doesn't need women
When are they needed?


File:mpc-hc64_7pz7gqmkog.png (3.51 MB,2560x1440)

*random sex with 3 different women later...*
I don't like this 'badass' kind of escapism, seems kind of dumb


it's somewhere in the middle

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