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File:[SubsPlease] Akuyaku Reijo….jpg (269.25 KB,1920x1080)


Why do Japanese men all have such inefficient ways of saving kids from wild rampaging trucks? You'd think they'd have developed better strats by now that can save both themselves and the kids like maybe jump tackling the kid to the other side of the road or something. But no, they all just push the kid slightly out of the way to then stand there like a deer in headlights. How come the Japanese government isn't giving out any training exercises to these people on how to save someone from oncoming traffic?




the hero japan needs


>jump tackling the kid to the other side of the road
The MF Ghost protag did this, except it was a train and he's British, so I guess Japs just have a death wish and leap at the opportunity to die without it being an obvious suicide.


Must be that rugby influence

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