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File:Seishun Anime Zenshuu 11 -….jpg (49.4 KB,640x474)


I don't know why so many people are trashing Zenshuu this season. It easily has the best, most proper shabs, and tells a fair bit of traditionally good stories without the burden of all the meta critique and trend chasing of most modern anime you're seeing these days in seasonals.


Please stop calling them ``seasonals''. All anime were at one point seasonal. When you use that word you're actually describing all anime.


File:C-1737228663682.png (2.02 MB,1920x1080)

because it's iseakai and we must hate everything isekai. Also the protagonist is a bitch and all of our protagonists must be pure and not sway for Seiso


not OVAs


Haven't seen anyone really take the piss with this show. Besides maybe some jokes about MAPPA of all people doing a Karoshi Isekai.

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