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File:[SubsPlease] Sousei no Aqu….jpg (744.7 KB,1280x1440)


What is the Nash equilibrium in a game of VR Gradius?


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (306.52 KB,1920x1080)


How is the show? The style seems kinda nice, but I'm not much of a mecha fan


VR in a school desk seems genuinely awful...


File:waterfox_D9avu56TEG.png (40.23 KB,430x157)

ohhh I guess by kissu law I'm required to try this


meh/4, it looks nice and the characters seem alright, but its use of game theory terminology is very pseudointellectual and stuff just kinda happens for no reason. Also the mechs haven't fought yet and I highly suspect the main characters will be pushed into a relationship that is homosexual in nature.

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