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File:whatever.jpg (87.67 KB,688x650)


I'll do whatever this guy says.


Miku sure has fallen from grace from her Project Diva days...


File:Ultraliberal, Revacholian ….png (5.21 MB,2124x3000)

[Some kind of superstar]


I'm still not sure how to feel about the black sclera thing. It does effectively create an effective new Miku version, but it's just so freaky. I associate it with demons or aliens, so it's weird to see it on a happy hologram girl.


File:__astaroth_shinrabanshou_d….jpg (511.56 KB,657x890)

Maybe it's just that Astaroth kept popping up in the good ol' days of Illusion games. Miku just needs some colored skin.


I really like it, it looks cute.


File:R-1736307374483.webp (64.13 KB,644x362)

they're also on kittens

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