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File:[SubsPlease] Kuroiwa Medak….jpg (94.4 KB,1280x720)


¥ be me
¥ walking down hallway
¥ girl flashes her thighs and panties at me
¥ immediately lament the loose morals of today's youth
¥ walk away in despair at the debauchery of modern society


The 'kids these days' kid


File:[SubsPlease] Ameku Takao n….jpg (236.86 KB,1920x1080)

That's Japanese Protagonist disease. Recovery is possible, but it typically takes a couple decades of serialization.


File:1508134238622.jpg (96.8 KB,850x819)

cute pink panties!!


It's succumb to one shab now or attain nirvana and receive infinite shabs.


File:[SubsPlease] Kuroiwa Medak….jpg (81.69 KB,1280x720)

kyaaa~ haa~zuu~kaa~shiiiii~
Please forget you saw that~


You're thinking of Islamic heaven. Nirvana is when you achieve release from the cycle of shabs.


Nirvana is becoming a shab


Is this supposed to be a slip or one of those petticoat things?

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