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File:Sadtyping.gif (1.83 MB,365x329)


I type like this whenever I lose an argument online and have to resort to ad hominems.


Don't forget to write something really rude, close the tab without posting and look down on your keyboard in shame.


File:1794684169520.jpg (41.72 KB,500x509)

I've never once lost an internet argument. That would require me to admit I was wrong!


File:Remilia losing an internet….png (228.64 KB,454x600)

one time I based my whole argument on a page that I misread and for good measure I was condescending, it was fine because the guy was an asshat, but only realizing it afterwards took the wind out of my sails and I hid the thread in shame


File:[SubsPlease] Hibike! Eupho….jpg (42.6 KB,629x688)

Wrong! It just requires someone else continuing to respond after you've gone to bed.


File:sanae pc.png (888.62 KB,965x738)

The winning move is to stay neutral and insult both sides of the argument.


File:mahiro question.jpg (46.8 KB,494x772)

Don't you mean ad homini?


I want to ad homoni Mahiron


that's still gay


Ad hominid. No ape left behind.

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