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File:124374706_p0.png (1.16 MB,1440x1080)


Remember to say "rabbit rabbit" when you wake up for a month of good luck!
(should have made this thread earlier...)


Are there any additional benefits for doing it at the beginning of the year or is it just the same as every other month?


Hmm... maybe. You could play it for high stakes for a greater reward, but then a worse penalty if you fail.


If you forget at the start of the year, you'll have a full year of bad luck! So don't forget!!


I think I remembered. I remembered when I went out to get breakfast but I don't remember if I said anything before that....
I might have murmured something about the planes going overhead but I am unsure.


i stayed up to 1 am and said it then i said it when i woke up. that better count.


Does it count if I say it on the 2nd if that's the first time I wake up?




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what if I stay awake the entire month? what then?


The rabbits will come to pick you up at the end


I said my rabbit rabbits!


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We are starting the new year off proper!


I did it. January is saved.




rabbit rabbit


Completely forgot until I saw this thread again. Whoops.


I failed. January is doomed.


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I did it! Somehow said usagi usagi in my fever induced delirium. Setting my alarm to "White Flag of Usa Shrine" helped a lot.


I said it 5 times....


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Rabbit Rabbit


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How do you remember to say rabbit rabbit?


you make your maid wake you up while wearing >>84581
works like a charm


File:trumpet tewi.mp4 (2.86 MB,1280x720)

buy bnuy fumo, set alarm to bnuy song, think bnuy thoughts, and go to bed at a reasonable time

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