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File:[SubsPlease] Monogatari Se….jpg (92.02 KB,1280x720)


Your mission, should you choose to accept it...


File:[aRMX] Maoujou de Oyasumi ….jpg (310.57 KB,1920x1080)

...is to stay awake for a full Monogatari monologue




tik t*k brained TEEN


I wish. We've had this talk before on kissu and my general complaint is that Monogatari tells instead of showing.


Well it is a mystery novel.



File:844cf5548e02d47cc0a6f190d1….gif (435.06 KB,500x281)

Flash that buttery gold

¥Jittery zeitgeist, wither by the watering hole, what a patrol

¥What are we to Heart Huckabee, art fuckery suddenly

¥Not enough young in his lung for the water wings

¥Colorfully vulgar poacher, out of mulch

¥Like, "I'ma pull the pulse out a soldier and bolt"

¥Fine, sign of the time we elapse

¥When a primate climb up a spine and attach

¥Eye for an eye, but the bog life swamps and vines

¥They get a rise out of frogs and flies

¥So when a dogfight's hog-tied prize sort of costs a life

¥The mouths water on a fork and knife

¥And the allure isn't right

¥No score on a war-torn beach

¥Where the cash cow's actually beef

¥Blood turns wine when it leak for police

¥Like, "That's not a riot, it's a feast, let's eat"


I never liked this character.. Gaea or something?
Her mom was great, though. Yowza.


It's just that an oddity cursed her so that she literally cannot hear music that is beyond rap-rock from 2010.

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