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File:1731670936164.png (1.73 MB,1451x1077)


Unfortunately had to play adult today with the kids and unwillingly take them to the Sonic movie because when they were talking about who would take them I felt practically forced to volunteer myself for the role of chaperone.


File:Tomorrow I'll Flex that Dr….jpg (353.03 KB,1960x2048)

So uh how did they like the movie?


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It was very kid-friendly and goofy, which they probably appreciated a bit more at times. They replaced the Biolizard with Dr. Gerald (who lives) which was probably more fitting for a movie. And they absolutely loved the action scenes and especially Super Sonic vs Super Shadow with Live&Learn playing. I have to admit the designs were pretty good for a kids movie. Although I'd absolutely hate if they made another one on Christmas that I might begrudgingly be forced into watching with the kids. Though it seems likely with this being in the after-credits.


I hope you kept a close watch on the children. The kind of adult who would willingly go to a Sonic movie is pretty sketchy so it's good to have responsible adults in the room to make sure nobody's doing anything weird in a room full of impressionable little kids.


Of course OP was keeping an eye on them, otherwise he’d have been watching the Sonic movie! No reasonable adult would let themselves be caught dead doing that.


she cute


Seems like a fun movie, but I don't think I'll watch it any time soon. These "real life" movie things kind of bug me.


It was a lot more animal focused than it was human. The human MC was kinda like a Chris.


But actually a bit less annoying than Chris.


christopher thorndyke... sounds like a name prime for bullying
a thorn in your side
and a fag


did you like the movie


I think Sonic is just too sophisticated for some people...


It takes a special kind of brain pattern to truly enjoy Sonic


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couldn't believe it when they did this to shadow, i thought this was supposed to be a kids movie?


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sic semper fakers

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