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File:2024_12_07_18-06__kwh.jpg (304.95 KB,1395x768)




File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (295.06 KB,1920x1080)

I wish someone would make another colorful Diablo clone, like Titanquest. The last one I played was Grim Dawn and it had a post-apocalyptic setting that was kind of good graphically but it all looked so dirty.
Dirt and sand is also going to be the theme of the next Monster Hunter. I don't know, man, I just like seeing colors.


Well there's TQ2 coming out at some point.


Oh yeah, I forgot about it. Although it looks a bit gritty, there's some color there. I just don't understand the appeal of visual realism in these games, apart from it being easier than creating a thematic atmosphere.


File:ef5.png (1.65 MB,1440x1080)



File:1733417994717881.png (1.51 MB,1920x1080)


File:[SubsPlease] Beheneko - 02….jpg (240.75 KB,1920x1080)


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