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File:00316-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.41 MB,896x1152)


The original thread ( >>78319 ) managed to hit bump limit so we need a new thread to spread more beauty in the digital world. Thank you for supplying all those images, but surely there's more stuff to do!
To reiterate, provide an image and I'll try to Kuonify it. But, I reserve the right to refuse stuff that may be disrespectful to Kuon!
Real life images don't work too well due to real life human facial proportions being so different. I'll still do them, just don't expect them to look great.

You may be asking yourself "what does it mean to Kuonify something?" Well, everyone here knows and adores Kuon from Utawarerumono 2 and 3, right? Well, I have a local installation of SD and I'm quite obsessed with it and I'm able to use controlnet and source images which I can then run an AI thing over to try and uhh... ummm... diffusers and uhh... optimize the paradigm of post-hoc.... collaborative.. computing of... tensors and... deep learning algorithms to uhh... you know... stuff.
The end result is an image is a combination of the source image and Kuon!


File:20240710_083701.jpg (90.1 KB,950x982)

kuon this


File:00318-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.32 MB,896x1152)

These images that are more zoomed out generally aren't going to turn out very well. AI isn't good at small faces since they don't show up in art very often. I can run the adetailer thing that cleans up faces afterwards, but it's still going to have a very small area so it's not ideal.
Controlnet also likes to add random stuff, which can be quite cool at times


File:00319-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.32 MB,1152x896)

This one seemed strangely difficult for the AI to handle. I guess it's because half of the face is hidden from view?


File:00322-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.39 MB,1024x1024)

One of the AI tags for this was "one hour drawing challenge". Huh.
Still trying to get a more accurate image, but this source image makes some VERY cute Kuons!


File:grid-0145-score_9,_score_8….png (5.36 MB,2048x2048)

Not bad. Getting the scythe is too difficult it would seem, which kind of makes sense since it doesn't really look very scythe-like due to the wavy lines and the pole being blocked by Komachi's hair.


very nice loli kuon


File:[Drag] Utawarerumono OVA -….jpg (206.39 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm... young Kuon imagery does exist so I wonder if I should add it to training data. Well, no, probably not.


having a cool idea and giving up on it in a single post....


File:1700343877834539.jpg (505.01 KB,1536x2048)

do real life pics really work so badly? what happens if you do this one


File:00342-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.43 MB,896x1152)

I can't think of myself ever generating young Kuon and specifically needing her appearance, if I generate loli Kuon at all. But, it could introduce some noise that worsens the regular Kuon generations. The AI knows what a loli is and knows what Kuon is, so I don't really think it's worthwhile.

I'll do that tomorrow after I get some sleep.. ZzzZzzz....


File:kamo_(gafas).jpg (569.64 KB,2610x3550)



File:wake up!.png (307.75 KB,1200x1000)



File:00355-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.4 MB,896x1152)

Yeah, the proportions are all wrong. Even with those makeup tricks or filters or whatever it still doesn't look right.


File:00356-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.26 MB,896x1152)

Quite cute!


File:00359-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.51 MB,1152x896)

Kuon is perfect as she is, but multiple tails... well... that does seem appealing


Very nice, I also like how the background turned out.


File:range murata.jpg (214.24 KB,1280x1720)



File:00547-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.08 MB,896x1152)

Argh, this reminds me that I need to get into training the LORA for Kuon outfits since she has a hooded outfit that would go with this perfectly.


kuon it


Again a nice result!
Was looking up her hooded outfit and found an instance from before the release of the second game where her name was translated as 'Quon' by someone. I for my part am glad the official translation stuck to the literal transcription.


File:Utawarerumono.S02E01.False….jpg (197.14 KB,1920x1080)

I'll get to it sometime today or later, but it's better if I have multiple stuff to do before I dust off the ol' GPU.

Yeah, some MTL translations I did years ago would have it as Quon. If that's what it was then I would of course accept it, but Kuon with a K does seem better.
You can see her hooded outfit in >>>/ec/9804 and >>>/ec/9808, although I could have sworn there were better views of it somewhere. It's a very stylish and cute outfit and it's a shame that she doesn't wear it much.


Kuonify the /g/ tier thread boy, I want to see a sleepy headphoner Kuon


File:addd0bda1f2098fd343bf7af26….jpg (210.01 KB,900x600)

Speaking of sleepy Kuons......


requesting a kuon of this shab whom I have bitten


speaking of biting shabs.....
let's see how it handles deformed faces like this


File:grid-0157-score_9,_score_8….png (5.14 MB,2304x1792)

I'm not really happy with any of the generations, so here's a sample of what it looks like. This is definitely one of those "keep generating until you get lucky" things.


File:00683-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.29 MB,1024x1024)

I had to set the influence so low to prevent an ugly image, so it's not going to be very similar to that at all


File:20240807165317.jpg (175.03 KB,800x800)



File:00685-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.14 MB,1024x1024)

This is another one that was quite awkward, but seems cute enough!


cute sleeper


File:00688-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.31 MB,1152x896)

pretty decent


This kuon is reacting to >>79253 being bitten.


File:grid-0176-score_9,_score_8….png (8.5 MB,2304x2688)


Yeah, I wasn't feeling confident with this one. There was zero chance the arm in mouth was going to work without super strength that would ruin the rest, and AI food is AI food.




Funny face biting becomes gentle Kuon reassuring. Yeah, I didn't really expect it to really work. I like center left's cute floppy hat.


File:1690710445972874.jpg (724.65 KB,850x1189)

Kuonify the funny sex fox


shortened sox


File:nobeta in tower of trials.png (3.29 MB,2560x1440)



File:grid-0052-score_9,_score_8….png (8.86 MB,2688x2304)

Difficult angle... if I increase strength then it loses Kuonness like here


File:grid-0054-score_9,_score_8….png (8.85 MB,2688x2304)

but if I reduce strength then it gets very confused (although bottom right pose seems okay, but the face isn't)


actually I guess both sets of images are pretty similar...


File:grid-0057-score_9,_score_8….png (7.71 MB,2688x2304)

(although it seems to have minimal influence somehow, maybe it's the simple 3D graphics?)


File:00750-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (949.92 KB,896x1152)

and a bonus


very nice
the clothes Nobeta was wearing had a pretty strong influence here, to good effect


File:kazagumo.png (443.49 KB,1344x928)



File:00814-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.1 MB,1024x1024)

Interesting. It gave her ears closer to Eruruu's


File:frieren.jpg (1003.98 KB,1040x1500)

An adorable result, I was actually wondering if the ears would turn out darker on their ends whend posting the image.

Would now like to see how Frieren's ears as a template work.


File:00855-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.17 MB,896x1152)

"leaf on head" is a danbooru tag with 10k results. Huh. News to me.


File:[KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png (836.04 KB,1024x576)

kuon them


File:grid-0019-score_9,_score_8….png (8.8 MB,3456x1792)

I like how it keeps turning the hair into a tail


cool and cute


File:chrome_xEyzBm6FTN.png (692.48 KB,692x817)

can you do this plz

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