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I've come to the realization that Gou can be enjoyed 100% without having any knowledge of Umineko. While a bunch of it could be seen as Umineko fanservice that's more enjoyable after having read it, it's not at all a required reading to understand Gou. At most it gives context to hints that were scattered out throughout bonus scenes in Umineko that gave reference to Bern's backstory and the Higurashi connection.

Also it may even be better for those without having experienced Umineko as based off of context clues in it, one could infer that Rika is forced to kill Satoko


Oh, absolutely. It's like prequel bonus stories in general, you could read it first or afterwards and both would be good.
I do hope for it to end the "??lamba==satoko??" thing.


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>I've come to the realization that Gou can be enjoyed 100% >>484
When people speculated about Higurashi being conneceted to Umineko I thought there were subtle hints and stuff in both stories, not something this blatant.
I only recently started reading the Umineko manga and I think I enjoyed the Gou and the speculations a lot more due to not knowing Umineko.


the speculation was more about how it is that they're connected, the link was a given
a lot of stuff spells it out but doesn't give details


While the Umineko manga is pretty good. I'd still suggest reading the PS3 version of the VN first for the godlike BGM and vocal performances.


Can we say either way with confidence yet? A direct connection to Umineko was only really established last episode and we have no idea how far or otherwise the next four episodes will go along that path. Personally I expect it to keep it vague and mysterious so as to advertise Umineko to newcomers, but giving how badly Gou has failed as a newcomer-friendly anime regarding the Higurashi parts, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up going whole hog.


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>Gou has failed as a newcomer-friendly anime regarding the Higurashi parts

Well to their credit, R07 lied through their teeth when they claimed this was a remake for the purpose of surprising viewers and it was a resounding success. It was never meant to be newcomer-friendly, and anyone that believed it to be was fooled by the early marketing. As for the Umineko connection, the stuff that connects Higurashi to Umineko is not at all relevant to the plot of Umineko. All it does is add more to certain meta characters and create a shared universe between R07's works like with the shared characters in CLAMP's works. You wouldn't tell somebody that it's necessary to watch Rayearth to understand Card Captor Sakura, XXXHolic, or vice versa, but it adds a bit to those stories/characters knowing that connection.

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