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/cry/ - When They Cry

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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (143.93 KB,1280x720)


Okay, uhh... so it's been a couple episodes now and I have to ask: Why or how did Rika completely seem to forget that Satoko pulled this? Is it just implied Satoko has superior powers?


I'm pretty sure the current arc doesn't take place after that. It's an "answer arc", if you will.


Yeah, this is the past, what lead up to the events that made satoko pull the gun on rika


Hm, so your theory is that the current 'world' from episode 18 onward happened chronologically before episode 17? Hmm... so I guess the current one is doomed if that's true


I'm not so sure it's a theory as it is just out there in the open. The only way that Satoko could become a looper is if she was bestowed those powers. And at the end of this episode we see her awaken and meet Featherine (Hanyuu), who can easily do this. She's essentially a god.

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