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File:Crying Mion.png (260.99 KB,552x561)


A thread ranking Higurashi: When They Cry characters by how much they cry.

1. Hojo Satoko
The undisputed champion of Higurashi, dubbed "Miss Higurashi" by Ryukishi himself, is none other than Hojo Satoko-chan. Notorious for her ceaseless bouts of crying, often punctuated by beckons for her "Nii-nii," Satoko is a veritable fountain of tears. In recent years she has managed to overcome her affliction through willpower, but it's not nearly enough to dethrone her. All hail the greatest Higurashi When They Crier!

2. Maebara Keiichi
He might like to posit a cool exterior, but the fact is our favourite male lead is actually a total crybaby, so much so that it lands him the coveted second spot on our list. He cries over his friends in Onikakushi, cries over Rika and Satoko's deaths in Watanagashi, cries over Satoko's abuse in Tatarigoroshi, cries over accusations of child abuse from Rena and flashbacks about Mion in Tsumihoroboshi... I mean really, how did this guy even manage to get anything done if he was busy bawling his eyes out so much? I guess in the world of When They Cry being a chronic crier is actually advantageous.

3. Sonozaki Mion
Keiichi told her she wasn't his friend anymore. She cried. Keiichi didn't give her a toy doll because she's too boyish. She cried. Keiichi accused her and her family of being complicit in a village-wide conspiracy of abuse against Satoko. She cried. What a baby! For being the heir to the powerful seat of the village leader she sure is a wuss! Third place was always guaranteed.

4. Sonozaki Shion
Shion does her fair share of crying, but, honestly, her moments of weakness are well-deserved. Tortured by her family, her almost-boyfriend seemingly murdered for inner-village politicking, her adopted sister stolen by her abusive uncle while the authorities ignore the facts. Her bold and steadfast personality often overshadows these moments enough to maybe fool you into forgetting them, but she has her moments of utter vulnerability. And of course there's her death scene in Meakashi, when she cries and begs for Satoko's forgiveness before throwing herself off the edge of the building. Even I cried.

5. Ryugu Rena
My guess is she'd be crying a lot more if she wasn't an inch away from giving into literal insanity most of the time. If she encounters something intense enough to warrant a good cry, she'll usually just instead start mumbling off into some imperceptible distance and scratching at her neck. What's up with that? Can't ever trust gingers, that's what I always say.

6. Furude Hanyuu
Literally who?

7. Furude Rika
A cynical and malicious drunk, far too heartless to ever let her true feelings show on her sleeve. If you see her crying, approach with caution, for hers are likely crocodile tears. If she is ever really crying, it's probably because she failed in attaining a goal after doing nothing at all to achieve it. What a tragedy.

8. Hojo Satoshi
Satoshi does not cry. He's too busy getting things done. He suppresses his emotions to superhuman levels, and in every fragment always succeeds in overpowering his weaknesses and buying the teddy bear he wants to gift to his little sister. He's cruelly rewarded with medical intervention and likely frequent molestation at the hands of Takano Miyo. But in the grand game of fate that spans across all universes, he can hold his head high and claim a greater victory than this list implies.


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>Literally who?

haaaaaauuuuuu aaaauuuuuuu haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau haaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
auuu auuuuu auuuuu


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Keiichi's crying is due to his passion and sensitivity towards others which propels him forward to protect the village and his friends, key to resolving the whole conflict.
It's only natural that his receptiveness would make him cry more than others.


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Honourable mention:
The Fans


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Great write-up. The crying in Higurashi is of course very important and it's one of the things that makes such an empathetic story. The highs are only so high because of the great lows. Stuff like Kira basically feels like a reward not just for the characters for for YOU.
I think this is one of the things that was largely missing from Gou/Sotsu, although it's now been like 4 years (how???) so I can't remember everything. The tears just weren't very worthwhile there.

Oh, and OP you forgot the most important crying of all- the Higurashi themselves. Yes, the crying bugs that signaled the fragment entering the point of no return. Something very warm and comforting to Japanese (although I hate cicadas personally) instead used to announce that the bad times are coming.


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>The crying in Higurashi is of course very important and it's one of the things that makes such an empathetic story.
Exactly! Honestly I was crying more than any of the characters during my playthrough. It does such a good job of getting to the heart of the characters' feelings and struggles.
>I think this is one of the things that was largely missing from Gou/Sotsu, although it's now been like 4 years (how???) so I can't remember everything. The tears just weren't very worthwhile there.
Amen. Sotsugyou was so vacuous in comparison. None of the emotional highs felt deserved. It lost all the feeling of realness that the OG cultivated so artfully.
>Oh, and OP you forgot the most important crying of all- the Higurashi themselves.
I can't believe I forgot that when it's in the fucking title... Honestly disgraceful. Yes, you couldn't be more right. The soft droning hum of the higurashi has been burned into my mind. The cry of an insect; what could be more inconsequential? But in Hinamizawa it seemed powerful enough to shift the entire world on its axis, as though it were the sounds of hell's gates opening. It perfectly encapsulates how much the setting is a character in the novel.


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One of my favourite protagonists of all time. The Hamlet of Japanese pop media.


Would you be willing to live in the village if it meant you could get reincarnated as one of the cute girls?


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>Would you be willing to live in the village

>reincarnated as one of the cute girls?
but then I can't be a soul brother


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>but then I can't be a soul brother
Same. Being a cute girl is nice and all, but in Hinamizawa I want to be one of the guys. Ideally in a fragment where Satoshi is still okay so we could be unstoppable.


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It's Sunday.


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oh shoot... I lost track of time.

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