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It's kind of funny that he hates/is bad at studying and that's what seemingly inspired to make it Satoko's motivation.

>Also, about Rika's desire for St.Lucia: she was trapped in a Japanese style world for long time, and she wanted to be part of a more Westernized area.
This part is kind of interesting. Yeah, a boarding school is definitely Western, but it's interesting that Ryukishi had a Japanese vs. Western dynamic in his thought process.

>What we saw in Gou/Sotsu is like afterimage of Hanyuu's power...
...but she didn't want to show Rika that so she flew away before she disappeared, to leave Rika the hope of meeting Hanyuu again.

I'm confused by the Hanyuu comments. Does that mean Hanyuu is effectively "dead", or was that only at the beginning and she's somehow back to normal near the end? She was right there sitting on one of those Shinto arch things on Earth at the very end, so... huh?


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>I'm confused by the Hanyuu comments. Does that mean Hanyuu is effectively "dead", or was that only at the beginning and she's somehow back to normal near the end? She was right there sitting on one of those Shinto arch things on Earth at the very end, so... huh?
She ate some creampuffs off-screen and that gave her a power up.

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