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. Modify Command:


Replace `0:a:0` with the correct audio stream index once identified, for example `0:a:1` if it's the second audio stream:




ffmpeg -i input.mkv -map 0:v -map 0:a:X -map 0:s? -c copy output.mkv




Replace `X` with your desired audio stream's actual index number based on what was listed.


Note that in your question, using `-map 5:a:0` would attempt mapping from a non-existent sixth input file rather than selecting an internal track within a single input!


chatgpt: what if i want to keep two audio streams? map both like this -map 0:a:4 -map 0:a:5 ?


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Yes, if you want to keep two specific audio streams, you would map each one separately. Assuming `0:a:4` and `0:a:5` are the indices of the audio streams you wish to keep, your command would look like this:




ffmpeg -i input.mkv -map 0:v -map 0:a:4 -map 0:a:5 -map 0:s? -c copy output.mkv




This command will include all video streams, the specified audio streams (4 and 5), and all subtitle streams in the output file. Adjust the indices as needed based on your input file's actual stream layout.


chatgpt: can i make it map input audio streams by title? the input files have audio stream titles like "English", "Russian", "English Commentary", etc.


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Yes, you can use `ffmpeg` to map audio streams by title using a script or command that first identifies the stream indices associated with specific titles. However, `ffmpeg` itself does not directly map streams by title in a single command.


Here is a general approach:


. Identify Stream Titles:


First, list all streams and their metadata to identify which ones have the titles you want:




ffprobe -v error -show_entries stream=index:stream_tags=title -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 input.mkv




. Use Shell Scripting (Bash Example):


You can create a small script to parse this information and construct your `ffmpeg` command dynamically.


Here's an example of how such a script might look like in Bash:










titles=("English" "Russian")


Too many lines! Stopping. Use: 'GPT4: !resume' to continue response.


chatgpt: !resume


[GPT4]: Resuming last message


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: map_args="-map 0:v"


for title in "${titles[@]}"; do


index=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams a \


-show_entries stream=index:stream_tags=title \


-of csv=p=0 "$input" | grep ",$title" | cut -d ',' -f 1)



if [[ ! -z $index ]]; then


map_args+=" -map 0:a:$index"






# Add subtitle mapping if needed:


chatgpt: !resume


[GPT4]: No message to resume






Someone made it post scary code on IRC, ban nao.


I see. well, this isn't my channel to ban people in


you'll have to scrub your log files just to be safe

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