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- A doubly linked list for each frequency count to maintain the order of access within the same frequency.


. Data Structures:


- HashMap: Maps keys to nodes, where each node contains the value, the frequency count, and pointers to the next and previous nodes in the frequency list.


- Frequency List: A doubly linked list for each frequency count, which keeps nodes sorted by the order of their last access.


### Operations:


. Insert:


- If the key already exists, update its value and increase its frequency.


- If the key does not exist, create a new node, set its frequency to 1, and add it to the frequency list for frequency 1.


- Ensure the cache size does not exceed the limit, and if it does, evict the least frequently used item from the


chatgpt: !continue


chatgpt: !resume


[GPT4]: Continuing last message


[GPT4]|[Alibaba-Qwen2.5:7b]: frequency list with the lowest frequency.


. Delete:


- Remove the node from the current frequency list.


- Update the frequency of the node if it exists in multiple frequency lists.


. Access:


- Increase the frequency of the accessed node.


- Remove the node from its current frequency list.


- Insert the node into the frequency list corresponding to its new frequency.


### Example Implementation:




class Node:


def __init__(self, key, value):


self.key = key


self.value = value


self.head.next = self.tail


self.tail.prev = self.head


def append(self, node):


node.next = self.tail


node.prev = self.tail.prev


self.tail.prev.next = node


self.tail.prev = node


def pop(self, node=None):


if self.head.next == self.tail:


I wouldn't trust the chinese local model for this kind of thing.. well, maybe it's good at programming, but if it's like its ability to do anything else...


yeah true lol


7b too lol


chatgpt: In CSS can I tile a background image only horizontally?


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Yes, you can tile a background image only horizontally in CSS by using the `background-repeat` property. To repeat the image only on the x-axis (horizontally), you can set it to `repeat-x`. Here’s an example:




.element {


background-image: url('your-image.png');


background-repeat: repeat-x;






This will cause the background image to repeat horizontally across the element, but not vertically.


ohh nice


otaku: !system Christmas is very very soon


[Otaku-chan]: Added System message

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