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File:desktop_thread.png (1.11 MB,1366x768)


a technololigy board with no desktop thread?
that's no good

no time for love,
desktop thread


nice orin, but I'm a boring person that just uses black like my soul....


File:OnvDRZj3wx.jpg (610.15 KB,2560x1440)

I don't feel like going through all the icons out of paranoia so I'm just doing second monitor. I copy images to desktop when I want to post them in the near future, but then forget to remove them.
Although, a couple of the images see repeated use


uhh she has a trubbish in her eye dude.
might wanna help her out?


File:(clipboard)1635995959516.png (5.51 MB,3360x1080)

Have to thank linux for having the option to not show icons on desktop.


forgot to mention: I love my desktop


File:211103-231057.png (3.9 MB,1920x1080)

haven't seen that poster for a while...


saw him post here about a month ago


File:top of desk.png (4.4 MB,3840x1080)

blocking out some of the more incriminating shortcuts..

can you post the picture on the right?


File:desktop17.png (13.8 MB,7040x1440)


File:DESKTOP.png (86.05 KB,800x600)


didnt see the reply
here you go, Anonymous https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85839139


Can you please post your desktop background's source?



Thank you, Anonymous!


much appreciated. desktops are one of those things i dont change as often as i should, i have too many good pictures just sitting in a folder, out of view collecting dust, being forgotten. poor .png-tan, all she wanted was to be a desktop background ;______;


File:waka1.png (3.07 MB,2560x1440)

changed wallpapers


File:desktop_001.png (484 KB,1920x1080)

Tried to go for an old-school look I guess.
Probably spent too much time customizing this stuff; I used to care a lot about ricing and whatnot, but I think I've reached the endpoint of whatever I want in a desktop. Idk if it even looks "good" but I like it.


what's your handle on soulseek




How long did it take you?


I don't really remember, but I probably spent the larger part of a few days just customizing my desktop; it's the type of thing I can easily waste a day doing. Most of the time was probably just spent figuring out how to actually configure the window manager (fvwm) and being indecisive about colorscheme, theme, background, etc.


nice, you're my buddy now. I can't seem to connect to you though


File:1226831594027.png (409.7 KB,720x480)

can't believe this is still amusing to me a decade later even


Whose the artist who drew the left wallpaper? I have had their images as my wallpaper since high school kek




File:Screenshot 2021-11-18 0030….png (2.36 MB,1919x1080)

I love it


I took the time to install perfect dark but never actually found a use for it afterall.
Any good uncommon finds on your end?


File:1589305245015.jpg (440.74 KB,1440x900)



how do you live with that desktop


File:2021-12-02-061948_1600x900….png (1.72 MB,1600x900)

It's a very simple i3 setup not much but very usable. My terminal windows also have transparency so I can see my wallpaper, I use ZSH and p10k as my ZSH theme


File:CRT-PGA.png (8.52 MB,3520x1200)

Made a new desktop that I thought might work well, but having it set as my desktop I'm not sure about it. Maybe adjusting the saturation would help.


bonzibuddy my beloved


File:2024-02-29 (11).png (2 MB,1920x1080)

pangolins are really cute


File:2024-02-29-211204_1920x108….png (2.3 MB,1920x1080)

Man this config is so old I am on a new computer even, I've done updates to it since then by using polybar and disabling my compositor. Still using ZSH and p10k though

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