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File:why.png (59.21 KB,234x282)


Why yandex?


Verniy is a Russian boat. It's only natural.


Well, it's a noticeable upgrade over google in that it actually works, even with cropped stuff.


like someone else said, it actually works. it's actually good at finding images, unlike google when u rlly need to find something.


Only downside is that it often pulls up Russian results, like from VK


File:ffe5b3bc01.png (16.96 KB,493x281)


generally speaking it's the best all-purpose image search option


is there not any option to exclude? also it may just be u lol.


Yandex is great at finding results for less than reputable sites that will show you popular movies for free.


movis vary nice?


it totally is, especially for reverse image searches.

google's has been steadily getting worse for years. it's practically useless at this point


>google's has been steadily getting worse for years. it's practically useless at this point
Also, I think google does not show sources for anime porn pics? Specifically loli. Don't know if its true or not though.

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