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File:peakpx.jpg (682.96 KB,2426x3400)


Do kissu's hide many threads?


I've hidden a few threads by accident when trying to close the video player, but that's about all. There's not enough posts on here for me to need to economize, and I don't think I've seen any threads that pissed me off enough to hide them (and low quality threads tend not to get bumped enough on here for it to accomplish much anyway).


I sometimes hide threads where people are talking about airing anime that I am interested in but haven't started yet. I always seem to forget to unhide them, though.


most threads I'd hide end up on /trans/ anyways so I don't


There's a few lewd threads on /jp/ from time to time that I hide if they don't get spoilered.


i prefer using filters to hide stuff i don't care about

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