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Cool. Someday I want to learn about this really low level stuff myself.


Why someday? Why not now? We all know that "someday" will never come.


What I want to do is add my own code to existing hardware such as clocks and get them to do things that I tell it to, but I don't even know where to start on that except perhaps soldering some sort of custom controller chip onto it.


Really love development videos like these. Especially ones with design constraints like this. It's really impressive and awesome.


Port stories and messing with unique hardware is cool too.


how does firmware hacking even work...


Depends on the system.


Unless you're working with relatively simple hardware, low-level programming is not an easy task. There's nothing wrong with attempting it, but unless you already know what you're doing in high-level programming, you're probably going to end up hitting the upper bounds of your skill fairly early on.


I've got no idea how I'd actually go about putting the firmware into the system. How do I get the Assembly onto my computer


Again, it depends on the system. Different hardware works differently, as does the firmware that they come preloaded with.

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