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File:A794A21B-B77A-43A6-A0E5-6….jpeg (220.65 KB,750x496)


What's the point of having so many boards for a dead site


to reduce the speed


to take it easy


to make you buttblasted


Maybe it's dead relative to 4chan and 8ch, but in the grand scheme of things kissu is relatively fast. Most imageboards are are slow enough that threads stay up for years after people have stopped replying to them.


We also don't have a hundred pages of necroable threads.


This thread aged poorly


how so


site's a whole lot faster and less dead now than it was at the time the thread was made and the boards the OP is from are all dead or himablogs


do we have a comparison of historical post rates? my memory is bad


no but i remember last year being slow until summer and then it was the fastest it ever was


>and then it was the fastest it ever was
Oh? I believe around Christmas time of 2019 or so, for a solid week /qa/ managed a solid 200 posts per day.


That's actually quite impressive.


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Got any clue on why it suddenly got faster? I can't think of anything major happening (on 4chan at least) that would make people seek out other imageboards. There was that thing with /jp/, but that happened last winter.


Well, it was before the /qa/ /jp/ split, so it makes sense. I still do wonder if posting would be faster were there just /qa/ and not a secondary or tertiary board. Oh well.

Daily Kissu /qa/ Post Counts:
Date | Last - First | Total
12/16/19 | 20710 - 20404 | 307
12/17/19 | 20971 - 20711 | 261
12/18/19 | 21235 - 20972 | 264
12/19/19 | 21363 - 21236 | 128
12/20/19 | 21503 - 21364 | 140
12/21/19 | 21631 - 21504 | 128
12/22/19 | 21763 - 21632 | 132
Week Total | 21763 - 20404 | 1360
12/23/19 | 21856 - 21764 | 93

Got lazy and stopped after a week... but it stayed that way until New Year's, I believe.


No, YOU are cute


I was checking stats and kissu was doing 200/300+ during the summer as well, haven't written it down though, but maybe vermin could confirm or something.


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Can't confirm anything. I told everyone to stop keeping track of posts per __ but I made a stats page so that people with mod privileges would stop counting each recent post to tell me how fast the site was doing compared to others and instead spend that time on something else.
The site's doing 145km/hr right now if you care. People shouldn't since it doesn't mean anything about the success or failures of a website, only an indication of a snapshot of time.


I just find it interesting 2bh




Petty men love measuring the size of their own dicks.


i only do it on occasion
cause i forget


It's an unpopular opinion here but I think less boards is better too


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Something to keep in mind about early kissu post stats is that during that time I was making like 100-150 posts/day, and after a while it became pretty tough to keep up and the numbers of replies to my posts was dwindling. Whenever I looked at the front page it was like looking at nearly all me, and it was grating on me. Now I make like a dozen posts and kissu is mostly autonomous, so I'd say the current time is much better. Also that state of affairs led to a bunch of bad meta threads that artificially increased the post rates.


I agree that less boards is better for a small site, but I don't see how Kissu is at all an example of having an excessive number of boards. There's three general discussion boards, a meta board, the Higurashi board, an image sharing board, a flash board, a polling board, and whatever hidden boards there are. The only board that I find truly extraneous is /cry/, and you could probably cut one of the general boards too, but otherwise there's not much that could be removed without reducing functionality. It's only when you've got a long list of utterly dead boards that it's really an issue, and I don't see that here.


>Also that state of affairs led to a bunch of bad meta threads that artificially increased the post rates.
This period will be forever known as "The Era of the Great Meta Debates". I am rather glad that era has subsided.


Kissu has mostly avoided the wakachan trap.
That's good.


Why not?

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