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File:sbsnp_HP01_0528.jpg (482.37 KB,1653x1748)


Is it just me or does Kissu seem... Slower? Did vermin update the post counter to hide sages finally, or is it actually slower by some metric?


I think it's been actually slower, but the content of posts has gone up I think, so it doesn't really feel like it's taken that big a hit. Most people are probably playing games given all the threads for them.


File:[SubsPlease] Show by Rock!….jpg (158.21 KB,1280x720)

It's been a bit slower, yes. Lots of places I use have been slower this year for some reason. I think kissu was too fast for my own tastes around Nov/Dec, however.
As always, one person can single-handedly make it faster by posting threads or good replies which others will respond to which will in turn have an exponential effect on activity.


sage effects speed a lot


untrue because of rss and notifications

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