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File:lorrie_faith_cranor_what_s….jpg (317.58 KB,1280x720)


Interesting talk on password security/usability research.


I used to think using Passw0rd for my WoW account was so clever
(it wasn’t)


Are passphrases weak against dictionaries? I don't know how much time you add by jumping from one or two words to four.


The number of possibilities for the attacker to check is the number of words you're choosing from to the power of 4. So if you're choosing randomly from 2000 words for example, one word takes 2 thousand tries, two words take 4 million tries, three words take 8 billion tries, four words take 16 trillion tries, and so on.


I should also point out that if the words are related to each other, that greatly reduces the number of tries that are needed, because the attacker can only test combinations where the words are related. To get the most out of the four words technique, the words have to be truly random and independently chosen.


So it'd be a lot safer than any eight digit password but not as safe as a longer pronounceable arbitrary pass or one with numbers and symbols. It's not a bad trade-off.


A random 8 word password would be better than 8 digit because there are more words possible than characters... but they shouldn't be in a sequence


aw shit I meant character


I sometimes use youtube links as the password. How safe are they?


safe i think. Theres a numberphile on how YouTube will never run out of links, but if you let someone know that you do this then it's easier because they can just assume your pass is 8 characters long and not have to waste time brute forcing all 0-7 base64 characters


3.78 Youtube videos according to that search, so 3.78 billion tries.


And could be substantially less of a search space if it's a popular video or one that the attacker knows the user likes.


test test

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