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File:Tsukuyomi .Moon.Phase.full….jpg (4.71 MB,6981x4865)


Kissu is turning five years old in a few weeks! (December 1st)
Do you guys have any ideas on how we could celebrate? We do watch Moon Phase every year (and we still will) but I wonder if there's something new we could do this year since 5 is a pretty good milestone.


lets try posting on Kissu!


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Why didn't I think of that


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Five is when you start going to school, so we should get her a randoseru.


Hmmm...... maybe a 'let's design a school outfit' thread could be a fun idea


Can't believe it's been so long... I have come and gone during this 5 years I like this place a lot albeit I barely post.


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I thought it was six in Japan.


Kind of disconcerting to know I've been on kissu for over half its life now. I still feel like an outsider.


The first year was more of a 'placeholder' year of barely any activity, but it did technically exist! I hope no one here feels like an outsider after a few weeks, but I guess it can't be helped.


To be fair /qa/issu community started back in 2017(6?) and the site has a very small town mindset. I almost always assume posters here are familiar with the events and have their outlooked shaped by it, even though that's probably not true.


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I was on /a/ and /jp/ back then, mostly /jp/.

I'm glad I found Kissu, seeing /jp/ implode like that was depressing.


petition google to make a doodle for us


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umm, kissu the 5th.. what to do what to do....

what would people like?


i always ask for wishlists whenever a family member has a birthday... kissu needs a wishlist


want the site to be swarmed by spiders that would be awesome


i know it sounds really stupid though


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why spiders?


because i saw one crawling on the wall and remembered how great they are


I think spiders would freak people out. I do like spiders to an extent (not in my bed and such) but spiders appearing on kissu out of nowhere reminds me of jumpscare stuff


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I've been here for a year now and I still don't know what a shab is. I kept thinking if I lurked long enough someone would explain it, but they never have. I was pretty sure it meant big titty hag sluts, but then it gets used to describe JC idols and I can't tell if this is supposed to be ironic or if I've gotten the whole thing wrong.


" isn't it "super hot anime babes"?


smokin/sexy/super hot anime babe. I really do not remember what the S was for


nice shab you posted


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Oh nice! It's been a while since I posted to here. Happy early birthday to Kissu.


it's the shabeth


take a shabbathical


It stands for Smoking Hot Arby's Beef.


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It's a /jp/ term that most people here probably didn't even know when it was initially posted so there's no reason to feel dumb.


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Going by the gifts I get, which are the best gifts, we should get kissu a nice sweater!


ate chicken bacon swiss


I've got something planned which I'll work on. Feature to the site that has been requested before.
Dunno if Cool will add some CSS or not. Depends on what he wants to do.


Yeah, I'll probably do some CSS thing, but I need to find motivation/inspiration somewhere


If you don't do it, Eru will eat Kuon.


Huh, I didn't know it had been around that long.
Looking it up on warosu, the first archived usage on /jp/, from November 2014, is of someone asking what a shab is and getting no helpful replies. Go figure.


I didn't know the term "shab" was old enough to get married


hmm actually yeah maybe I'll split this into its own thread

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