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File:__hibiki_kantai_collection….jpg (143.6 KB,642x900)


Saw this on frontpage of Danbooru. I still don't understand how there's 14k images of her. God damn.


File:9f72a0e10efbfbf1c191e11916….jpg (314.69 KB,1451x2048)

young=cute ✅
bright hair color ✅
zettai ryoiki ✅
simple design ✅
Chuuni traits ✅

Yep thinking this hibiki is based


based on what?


Based on solid principles.


File:83e54312580b42b27b4be98496….png (3.32 MB,2119x2350)

Based on the description provided in >>>/secret/9840


I am now reconsidering all of my stances on the word and especially my post above.


based on 原良


the mythical gen'ryou, or as known in western old japanese, hárà-yòké


File:98d55597aa34b2f11a5f7c1ff7….png (425.56 KB,491x800)

Vermin is so popular!

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