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Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/spg/3112 Post No. 3130 from thread 3112


Gooning is an absolute waste of time.


Although I deleted this, I do think a word filter for NTR or more targeted deletion towards people shitting up threads with it is a good idea. People are just using it as a way to get around the C word that rhymes with duck being filtered for being undesirable cancer


>I do think a word filter for NTR or more targeted deletion towards people shitting up threads with it is a good idea. People are just using it as a way to get around the C word that rhymes with duck being filtered for being undesirable cancer


Isn't replying with a single buzzword serving as a proxy for an even more frowned upon word that's also filtered considerably more cancerous? The exchange it's replying to is just having fun.


posting scat out of nowhere should be allowed


Is it just you or are there multiple people using the oo word?


never seen anyone else post the goo word


Would you say you're the spermerer?


Well, that still works.
















^what anonymous gives me whenever she posts


shab just passed on her vaginal thrush


im trans btw


i look like this and delete this


that face when no face


maidenless exemplary female role model

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