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File:img-wIGtTKmxIdR3H29MOFvyh.jpeg (620.84 KB,1024x1024)


Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/b/ Post No. 12424 (OP)


It's Pervomai!!

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Is this AI (´´artificial intelligence'') generated?

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Very obviously.
For example, note the kerchief that is turning into her hair.

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Jotaro had a hat that turned into his hair. You gonna tell me he's AI generated too?

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Bruh not that jenny weird ways again, what's the point

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Lack of distinctive features is not the same as distinctive features bleeding into areas that they do not belong to.

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Somehow completely missed this thread posted on /b/ since people rarely post random threads here since they expect /b/ as a random board instead of a meta board. PREPARE FOR THREAD MOVING

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Moved to >>>/ec/14101.

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