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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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what are your opinions on the spring season?


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it's good for flowers and mating


It's awful. Rainy, wet, boggy and cold.


The only season I like is the winter season. Anything else is too hot and full of bugs.


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A season of beginnings. I look forward to getting out of the house more often.


Love seeing the plants and birds return. Hate seeing the bugs return. It wouldn't be so bad if they stayed outside, but they insist on violating my sovereignty and grossing me out when I should feel safe and comfortable




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Going outside? But that sounds dangerous, Anonymous. What if you get stung by a bee?


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The initial part with snow, mud, and rapidly shifting weather sucks a little. I love when plants start to grow and flowers bloom, and the weather starts becoming warm again.


I like winter so Spring is a bit disappointing for me, particularly since it then leads to summer which is really bad here.


My indoor cat got fleas which infested the apartment three out of the five last springs, so it's making me anxious


If it's an indoor cat how is it getting flees? Suspicious... who is the one bringing flees back into the house really?


Stray cats like to sit on my balcony, so either that or I trek them in when I come in through the front door.


Invite the stray cats into your home.


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I wish I had a microphone so I could record the birds outside. For some reason they've been having big parties in a nearby tree the past few days and I love listening to them.
SPRING IS GREAT! until the bugs wake up


I don't like the cold so spring is good in my book.


Great for growing plants


I like the cold so spring is bad in my book.


This seems like a nice channel. Good second monitor material as I try to learn gardening. Maybe I can have tree trunks for forearms if I do what he does

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