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Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:IMG_20230613_093533.jpg (2.65 MB,2976x3968)


Parking lots are so versatile


File:IMG_20230613_093349.jpg (2.09 MB,3968x2976)


This is obviously a cover for a feddie base


That's pretty cool. And it's cloudy/rainy out, so you're not baking to death


File:__komeiji_koishi_touhou_dr….png (283.38 KB,1000x1000)

¥attrapez la magie


File:R-1686699729312.gif (3.53 MB,498x373)

>This is obviously a cover for a feddie base


Poor French Canadians, La Ronde is so bad they need traveling carnivals to get thrills


The worst rated six flags...
you don't think much of it as a kid until you go out of province


File:IMG_20230614_053936.jpg (2.04 MB,3968x2976)

good old carnie coasters

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