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Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:Celebrating-Juneteenth.png (55.85 KB,1920x1080)


The US officially has its first new Federal holiday since 1983, and it's coming up this 19th!


My country already had a public holiday this week, we celebrated the Queen's Birthday.


File:1605451496952.gif (2.35 MB,462x427)

What does it celebrate?


Can't you read? It's celebrating JUNETEENTH


File:1504229157030.png (62.1 KB,500x283)


this is literally the /pol/ copypasta about the US worshiping niggers, coming to life
probably the worst part is that this wasn't even a thing until last year and now its a "holiday"


File:1511149191709.png (558.88 KB,1280x723)


The official end to slavery in the US when a Union army general issued a decree in Texas freeing all slaves.

It's been a holiday in Texas for a little over 40 years. Besides, who doesn't like days off? Grinch.


??? It's not on June the Tenth though?

I don;t like days off, the peasants should be made to work for all they can be made to work for.


File:__clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg (96.71 KB,900x977)

well here in the great state of Missouri I ain't ever heard of it till recently
4th of July is the superior summer holiday


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (328.54 KB,1920x1080)

Holidays in general seem more interesting when they're related to natural phenomena like harvests or seasonal changes, but days off work are always good (for those that work).


you should go back there

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