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File:ryo-0147.png (326.59 KB,798x619)


how come no one uses /megu/


hidden board and people aren't horny enough


Don't see a point in a community that only shares images and content. Gotten tired of the idea.


I just don't talk about or share stuff I fap to


no point talking on it when you guys don't talk on it...


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In my case it's this as well. I'm only comfortable with talking about eroge/nukige/h-games.

There's also some other things to consider; such as the fact that the activity of the image dumping boards on 4chan has absolutely plummeted over the years. It's not just limited to that either. There's a general reduction in amount of images being posted across all boards due to mobile users and a change of culture. Reaction images have pretty much gone out of fashion by now for example. You hardly ever see any new ones. They're all old stuff which is still being reposted to this day. Sometimes I feel alone when carefully choosing for an image to go along with my post. A lot of kissu users feel like low effort hima posters. And /trash/ is popular in comparison to the other NSFW boards because it's full of fags that ERP with each other. They don't just post images. Now, I don't want anyone here to get any funny ideas from this, because having an ERP board would be extremely detrimental to the quality of the site and would create discord circlejerks (it's literal in this case) like how are common in /trash/.


i usually don't post reaction images because either i don't feel like the time spent looking for an appropriate one is worth it or because i don't want whatever it is i have at hand to be associated with my specific posts
contrast this with hidamari and szs pics that multiple people use so there's no particular individual or style attached to them
i did make some kaminaki images and a gif when it was airing and one of them was reposted about 200 times last time i checked and inspired a couple others but i never really used them myself


Isn't the irc a circlejerk that everyone gets to see?


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It's more satisfying enjoying things alone than being among others and knowing you're the only one who enjoys it. I slowed down posting after being demoralized by that thought, and stopped entirely after someone's comments insinuated I ought to be banned for those posts. Maybe those comments were directed at someone else. Maybe they were directed at a different board. I don't know. I just enjoyed collecting images and posting them, but I've mostly stopped since then so I really don't have anything to post anyways. I don't know what would make me want to post again.

/ec/ and /megu/ in a microcosm mirror how I feel about Kissu more broadly. The interests I have had, are seemingly not ones wildly shared; I wanted to share my interests in tech months and years ago, but they were not reciprocated. Maybe I just found myself interested in things that other people had already exhausted themselves on replying to, or maybe others were interested but had nothing to contribute. Nevertheless, the result was the same. Suddenly making a tech board after years doesn't really solve this, at least for me. My interests are often situational and topical. It's really not the same to see someone bring up what I wanted to discuss in a new post, what I had posted about a year ago. Kissu is also just a different place. Not really in terms of posters, but in other ways. I would repeat my tired grievances, but this thread is about /megu/, and I've aired those thoughts elsewhere a number of times already. Anyways. I guess that's a long way of saying I don't like Kissu anymore.


being so vague doesn't really help anyone but i guess i understand if you don't want to talk about it again


You just reminded me to move your thread to /maho/... I kinda think the threads were just at the wrong time because we do seem to have picked up more people that can engage with those topics in-depth.


/megu/ + /maho/ = /megho/


mega ho


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>It's more satisfying enjoying things alone than being among others and knowing you're the only one who enjoys it.


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You not only give up but post in a way that invites those around you to give into your own misery. Sad!


orin would NOT use that word


Orin just used the NIGGER word and you cannot do anything about it.


she wouldn't use the gamer word because she's not a g*mer


ryo would totally say it


ryo is ero


i swear to g*d i would do /megu/ things to ryo while she says the GAMER word


sometimes i wonder if people resent me for all of the pervposting i made during bocchi's airing


pasting bocchi up


bocchi SHOOTS niggers


bocchi the moon

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