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File:1490919093757.png (38.91 KB,161x194)



Another day that goes by where scalpers aren't being executed for their crimes against humanity is a bad one.


there's nothing wrong with scalping


File:1702006293844342.png (268.73 KB,700x700)

i forgot that the most recent post of this would be the one that was moved and deleted it instead of the /jp/ one.....


File:39501339_p0.jpg (183.92 KB,800x800)

i agree


In the modern digital era, is there really a reason to be stuck with stock from 30 years ago?
I'm sure it would be possible to just buy the data, or else to have the rights holder produce a few more physical copies.


i saw it all


good idea with the thread move
I should have thought of that as soon as I saw it


This stuff is result of scalpers and other various leeches that set their eyes on the video game market and conspired with others to turn it into something resembling other "markets" filled with human garbage.
HATE these people so much. merchant scum


scalpers are doing the world a service by making people like >>29426 asshurt


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Subarash….jpg (270.2 KB,1920x1080)

when you get older you'll find things you value too




Money can't have value in itself. Money is just the thing that you need to acquire the stuff you actually want.
Just craving money is folly.


Scalping is what the colored folk do with tickets, are you honestly telling me you want to be like them?


yes i want to be a colorful person

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