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What about assertive female with gentle femdom elements?


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What exactly is "gentle femdom" though? There's no tag for that. "Assertive female" makes me instantly think of Kaoru from Amagami. What's an example of a "gentle femdom" character? Those Christmas cakes like Misato that lust after young boys?


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I'm not an expert but I do know there is a difference between hard femdom and gentle femdom where like, gentle is you know, more tender and loving yet its still femdom.
You are a dog and a swine.


The slave usurps the master


Having it turn into guy ends up fucking her because he's so good is passe, boring even.




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me getting cunnydommed


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did someone say CUNNY?


Been using LLMs and they sometimes refer to very tight adult vaginas as "cunny"
Is this incorrect usage




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I would say it generally means that the femdom is done out of genuine affection and typically ends in sex with the goal to satisfy the man, whereas hard femdom leans towards men getting used and abused for the woman's amusement. For example, if she does tease and denial play to build you up so you can bust an even bigger, more satisfying load inside her then it's gentle femdom, but if she does it to leave you blueballed because you don't deserve orgasm then it's hard femdom. There can be some nuance depending on the guy's M levels, but it always comes down to whether the dom cares about the sub.

Assertive female is just a girl who takes the initiative and pursues sex.

Unless your bot is supposed to be an old British person mad about language evolving, yes.


absolutely incorrect, shameful even


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I got a very important question, what about monster femdom?

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